Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Embracing the Art of Difference

6a00d8346783ad69e200e54f5bda568833-800wiEmbracing the differences other's have from you rather than criticizing them at first glance is often hard. I have found that my most intimate friendships and relationships have been with people who are not like me. Yes, we have similar interests and some common goals but overall our upbringings, our habits, our styles and our talents are contrasting. What good is a piece of art without contrast?

He who is different from me does not impoverish me - he enriches me. Our unity is constituted in something higher than ourselves .... For no man seeks to hear his own echo, or to find his reflection in the glass.

Most people take glory in only having ONE really good friend or kindred spirit to connect with. I don't get that. I think it may be an excuse to not try for that deeper more meaningful relationship. It gives you something to hide behind. It isn't impossible at all to have a basketful of close, kindred, wealthy friendships. Yes, it takes work. But the art you experience in the difference of those friendships is something so vibrant and rich; it gives dimension to your own soul and personality.

I have been blessed to have many quality friendships lately. People who invest in me, who ask questions, spend time with me, call me for no reason, don't pretend to be something they aren't, love me during my bad days, come to me in theirs, brave the awkwardness and embrace our differences. Isn't it an honor to have people like this in our lives? The more the better, I'd say. I do have a couple of friends who are the diamonds among the rubies. The missing puzzle pieces in my 1,000 piece mess. And what a perfect fit they are!

Embrace the differences around you and experience the contrast that makes the art of friendship!

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