Yep I said Wizzity Weekend. I grew up in the 90's.
I had a great weekend.
Despite feeling like I lived in Seattle during the rainy season, it was very bright in lots of non-weather ways.
Friday night John and I went grocery shopping. Which sounds totally lame but you have to understand the immense pleasure we find in shopping and getting new and intersting things to eat. And to me, grocery shopping is quite relaxing. Unless it's the first of the month in Centralia. Then, that's a different story for sure.
Anyway after that one of my best ones,
Rebecca and her baby Ogden, came for a visit and ate dinner with us. We ate, we played, we gave baby O a bath in my sink and went on a walk, sat and talked and watched TV. It was a perfect evening.
Babydoll 'O' hanging out . Look at those adorable eyes. He's always wide-eyed and curios looking. Such a sweet boy!!!
Rebecca (or Rebaderch as John calls her) and Ogden. They are part of our family now :) We missed Derek (or Rick as John calls him) He was workin' hard for the 'man'. That dang 'man'!
Ogden plays with John's ears
they both freak out..LOVELY shot of my husband, don't you think??
the cutest dirty dish ever.
Walking :)
We encounterd this guy. Gross!! He was dead but we made John take care of it like so..
he's such a brave Marine.
Saturday I went shopping for the first part of the day with my friends to get some things for my upcoming vacation (woot woot) and when I came home, I found John and the cats all snuggled up watching Julie and Julia.
Lola-Jean loves that movie. See?
Cutest little girl I ever saw.
Then on Sunday, we slept in, went directly to the couch to enjoy tea and a DVRd episode of SNL before church. While doing so, my firstborn snuggled right in and John caught this precious shot
SERIOUSLY this cat melts my heart. When he lays his little fury head down and exhales ever so softly with his paw outsretched on my face...ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? What a nubbin!!
Then after church we planted flowers. John helped this year!
I love me some begonias!
And an escaped cat.
So it was a good weekend. I spent the evening last night with some jr. high youth group students talking about God's plan for SEX. That's always fun and interesting.
All in all, it was a pretty successful and sweet weekend wizzity weekend.