1. Giving is the best thing ever. It makes me happy and I wish I had millions of dollars to do more of it. .
2. Receiving is pretty rad as well. However, I care less about that than the giving. But I do like getting presents. I like getting things especially when it's from a fellow "I love to give soooo much" type of person. THE thought, excitement and the happiness you see behind the gift is what is really awesome. A nice pot holder from Anthropology isn't bad either. .
3. The best gift I ever received was I sure did love my Casio key board and my chalk board I got in the 80's. I still remember being the most excited about those. I am sure I have gotten more substantial things but I remember feeling like I was going to be the greatest artist ever once I unwrapped that chalk board/ paint easle. .
4. The best gift I ever gave was sentimental things like shadow boxes and family pictures put into awesome albums .
5. Something intangible that I wish I could receive is cello playing skills.
6. Something intangible that I wish I could give is contentment .
7. The one gift I always wanted as a child, but never got was an Easy Bake oven...and the game Mall Madness .
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Happy Weekend!!